2022 Year in Review
- Veterinarians & Vet Nurses / Techs
- September 27-29, 2022
Join 3 webinars on exciting news in small animal practice.
Full program details to be announced very soon.
When is it?
Time: 19:30 AEST [Sydney] | 21:30 NZST [Auckland]
Time: 05:30 EDT
When is it?
Time: 19:30 AEST [Sydney] | 21:30 NZST [Auckland]
Time: 05:30 EDT
When is it?
Time: 19:30 AEST [Sydney] | 21:30 NZST [Auckland]
Time: 05:30 EDT

Dr Danielle A. Gunn-Moore
BSc(Hon), BVM&S, PhD, MANZCVS (Feline), FHEA, FRSB, FRCVS, RCVS Specialist in Feline Medicine
Danielle Gunn-Moore graduated from the R(D)SVS, University of Edinburgh, with the Dick Vet Gold Medal in 1991. After a year in small animal practice she joined The Feline Centre, University of Bristol, initially as the Feline Advisory Bureau Scholar, then the Duphar Feline Fellow, and completed a PhD study into Feline Infectious Peritonitis in 1997. After a short period as Lecturer in Veterinary Pathology, University of Bristol, she returned to Edinburgh to establish the Feline Clinic and became Professor of Feline Medicine in 2006. She is interested in all aspects of feline medicine; she is an internationally recognised expert in her area, has lectured extensively and published over a 130 peer-reviewed research papers, plus many reviews and book chapters. In 2009 she was awarded the BSAVA Woodrow Award for outstanding contribution in the field of small animal veterinary medicine, in 2011 she was awarded the International Society for Feline Medicine/Hill’s award for Outstanding Contributions to Feline Medicine, in 2012 the Royal Dick students voted her “The clinician I would most like to be”, in 2016 FECAVA awarded her “Increased Vocalisation in Elderly Cats” the most original paper in the European Journal of Companion Animal Practice that year, and in 2017 she became a Fellow of the RCVS. She shares her home with her husband Frank, a 16 year old Maine Coon boy called Mortlach (named after a Scottish single malt whisky), and a tiny little 16 year old black cat called Sheba-Ardbeg.

Dr Ryan Taggart
Ryan received his DVM degree from Cornell University in 2005. He served three years in the U.S. Army after graduation before completing an internship in small animal medicine and surgery at Mississippi State University. He then undertook a residency in veterinary orthopaedic, soft tissue and neurologic surgery at Purdue University. Ryan relocated to Australia in 2016 and is currently the Managing Director at SASH Adelaide.

Dr Ninette Keller
BVSc (Hons) Mmedvet (Med)
Small Animal Internal Medicine
Ninette graduated in South Africa in 1999 and received her specialist degree in 2004. She has been a registered specialist in small animal internal medicine in South Africa since then.
In 2008 she was awarded "Young Veterinarian of the Year" for outstanding services to the veterinary profession.
Ninette has practiced both in private referral practice and the university setting in South Africa before moving to Australia in 2009 to help set up the Veterinary Teaching Hospital at James Cook University in Townsville. In 2013 Ninette returned to private referral practice and joined VSS at Carrara on the Gold Coast where she still currently practicing.
Ninette has been the author of multiple text book chapters and journal articles and has presented extensively including at World Veterinary International conferences.
How to Attend?
This webinar series is available as part of our annual webinar membership.
Become a member today by choosing any one of the following options!
Practice Membership
Annual Webinar Membership Benefits
- 50+ hours of RACE-approved webinars annually. Detailed notes. PLUS webinar recordings!
- FULL ACCESS to our huge recorded webinar library
- The Vet Education Webinar Membership includes access to the annual Vet Education International Online Conference, AND the Online Toxicology Symposium
- Exclusive 20% discount on a wide range of veterinary medicine books by CRC Press
- Automatic notice of all of our upcoming webinars. You won’t miss a beat!
- Wide range of topics including small animal, practice management and more
- Learn from some of the world’s top veterinary specialists and presenters without having to travel!
- Get certificates of attendance to keep track of your continuing education
What you'll learn
Day 1: 15th February - Approach to the hip joint
with Dr. Arthur House
To check the time in your zone/country, please click here.
Day 2: 16th February - Metacarpal, Metatarsal fracture repair
with Dr. Arthur House
To check the time in your zone/country, please click here.
Day 3: 17th February - Fracture fixation - how to avoid the dreaded revision surgery
with Dr. Alasdair Renwick
The best option for both the pet, owner and surgeon is to get a fracture to heal well on the first attempt. Most complications are due to poor decision making rather than poor technique. This webinar will highlight the management and more importantly the avoidance of the most common types of fracture complications.
Specific types and locations of fractures, which are associated with an increased risk of failure, will be discussed with strategies to avoid this occurring. The various implant systems (pins, ESF, plates and locking plates), available will also be described. The advantages and disadvantages of each implant system and the guidelines for application of each system will be highlighted. The relevance of how this relates to the risk of complications will discussed.
Using a case-based approach from over 10 years of specialist orthopaedic practice, various types of complications will be demonstrated as well as strategies for revision surgery. By the end of this webinar the delegate will have a good understanding of why some complications occur and therefore how best to avoid them.
To check the time in your zone/country, please click here.
Practice Membership
Annual Webinar Membership Benefits
- 50+ hours of RACE-approved webinars annually. Detailed notes. PLUS webinar recordings!
- FULL ACCESS to our huge recorded webinar library
- The Vet Education Webinar Membership includes access to the annual Vet Education International Online Conference, AND the Online Toxicology Symposium
- Exclusive 20% discount on a wide range of veterinary medicine books by CRC Press
- Automatic notice of all of our upcoming webinars. You won’t miss a beat!
- Wide range of topics including small animal, practice management and more
- Learn from some of the world’s top veterinary specialists and presenters without having to travel!
- Get certificates of attendance to keep track of your continuing education