The Brachycephalic Dog - Management of the Airway 2025

Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:

Focus on Behaviour 2025

Updates in Management of Envenomations in Dogs and Cats (Australia)

Week 1: Envenomations
Week 2: Updates in Management of Tick Paralysis, Toad Toxicity and Tetrodotoxin

Anaesthesia Boot Camp: Special Anaesthesia for Special Patients

Tutorial 1: Minimising Anaesthetic Risk Tuesday, 18 November 2025 | 19:30 AEDT
Tutorial 2: Reducing MAC - and Why it’s Important Wednesday, 19 November 2025 | 19:30 AEDT
Tutorial 3: Local and Regional Anaesthesia Thursday, 20 November 2025 | 19:30 AEDT

Advanced Anaesthesia in Small Animal Practice

Week 1: Risk Reduction in the Compromised Patient
Week 2: Management of Anaesthetic Complications
Week 3: Anaesthesia in Specific Disease Conditions

Resuscitation of the Trauma Patient: What’s the best Approach?

Week 1: Fluid and Transfusion Recommendations for the Trauma Patient
Week 2: Approaching the Poly-Trauma Patient

Why Understanding your Patient's Poo is the Future of Medicine? Managing Dysbiosis in the Acute and Chronic Settings

Cobalamin and other Vitamin Deficiencies in our Patients with Chronic Intestinal Disease: Can Vitamins really be all that Important?

Chronic Hepatopathies in Dogs and Cats: How can we be Better at Managing this Case?

Updates in Respiratory Emergencies

Week 1: Stabilising the Respiratory Emergency Patient
Week 2: Updates in Management of Airway and Lung Disease
Week 3: Updates in the Management of Pleural Space Emergencies
Bonus Topic: Updates in Respiratory Critical Care

Urinary Tract Emergencies in Small Animal Practice

Week 1 - Acute Kidney Injury
Week 2 - Emergencies of the Bladder
Week 3 - Emergencies of the Urethra

Fluid Therapy in Small Animal Practice

Week 1: Introduction to Fluid Therapy
Week 2: Shock
Week 3: The Fluid Therapy Plan
Week 4: Fluid Therapy in Disease States
Bonus Topic: Transfusion Medicine