Advanced Emergency Care in Small Animal Practice

3-week course on emergency conditions in the ER.


AUD 289

Training 5 or more people?

Enroll 5 or more members of your practice and avail a special discount on the course fee!

This course includes:

Course Outline:

Filled with all of the vital information every veterinary nurse needs, this exciting course covers common conditions in the emergency room – from how to stabilise the patient in respiratory distress, through to management of the patient with GDV or acute abdominal pain – with lots more in between!

What’s more, you will focus on the nursing care of the critically ill emergency patient – including how to monitor the critically ill patient, through to essentials you need to know about pain assessment, anaesthesia and analgesia, neurological assessment, urinary tract assessment and much more.

Complete with 3 interactive live tutorials, Q and A sessions, and extra resources, tailored to your requirements, this is the course you’ve been waiting for!
This week is all about fluid therapy in the emergency patient. You will learn about the diagnosis and management of the many different types of shock – including anaphylaxis and septic shock as well. You’ll also learn about the glycocalyx – what it does – and how we can use an understanding of it to monitor our patients better! What’s more, we’ll also cover the use of colloids and transfusion therapy in the emergency patient, as well as how to monitor your patient so you can help avoid potential complications of fluid excess or fluid deficit!

This week is all about practical management of the decompensating emergency patient – what to monitor, how to monitor, and how to evaluate treatment plan success – including how to monitor abdominal bleeding, abdominal pressure, neurological function, urinary tract and kidney health, and transfusion therapy among a host of other critical nursing techniques!

This week is all about how to look after your emergency patient – from management of catheters and wounds, to providing care for essential organ systems, including the respiratory, cardiovascular, urinary and gastrointestinal system and more. We’ll also look at a range of other topics, including nutritional support, blood tests, etc. as well as how to provide physical support as well!

Learning Outcomes:

At the conclusion of this course, you will have a sound understanding of the nursing skills required to monitor and manage patients with severe illness in the emergency setting, including…

  • How to monitor key organ system function, including cardiac, respiratory and neurological function assessments
  • How to diagnose and intensively monitor response to various shock syndromes, including hypovolaemic, haemorrhagic, septic and anaphylactic shock
  • To to identify a decompensating emergency patient, and the steps that may be required in order to identify the cause of patient decompensation
  • How to safely monitor transfusions and other fluid therapy interventions in the emergency patient
  • How to provide critical care nursing to the emergency patient, including monitoring tools, nutritional assessment, catheter care and wound management, among others.


Course Tutor

BVSc MVS PG Cert Vet Stud MACVSc (Vet. Emergency and Critical Care; Medicine of Dogs)


AUD 289

Training 5 or more people?

Enroll 5 or more members of your practice and avail a special discount on the course fee!

Course Reviews

“I think this is the best cpd course I've ever been on”
“Really enjoy the presentations delivered during the emergency course. They are fantastic. Some of the best lectures around.”
“I have enjoyed the course so much. Thank you for everything! I am so glad I signed up because it truly was above and beyond my expectations”
“Thank you so much for this course Philip. You are a great teacher and speaker”
“Can’t praise the course content highly enough - and love the protocols.”
New Zealand


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Dr Philip Judge

BVSc MVS PG Cert Vet Clin Stud MACVSc (Vet. Emergency and Critical Care; Medicine of Dogs)

Philip graduated from Massey University in New Zealand in 1992, and spent 7 years in small animal practice before undertaking a 3-year residency in veterinary emergency and critical care at the University of Melbourne in 1998.

Following his residency, Philip worked for nearly 6 years at the Animal Emergency Centre in Melbourne, becoming the Senior Veterinarian at the centre in 2004. In 2006, Philip undertook a 1-year surgical externship before moving to Townsville to take up the position of Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care at JCU. Philip is also co-founder, and director of Vet Education Pty Ltd ( – one of Australia’s leading providers of online continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary nurses.

Philip has published numerous manuals and guides concerning emergency medicine, including a CRI manual, haematology and biochemistry interpretation guide, emergency anaesthesia guide, and a ventilation therapy manual for small animals, in addition to being published in peer reviewed literature.

Philip’s key interests in veterinary science include respiratory emergencies, ventilation therapy, envenomations and toxicology.