Elevating Veterinary Nutrition to a Standard of Care: Implementing the 4 Paws Method for Effective Client Communication

Veterinary Nutrition as Standard Care: 4 Paws Method

Available On-Demand | Ideal for Veterinary Nurses and Technicians
Bryony Senic

Dr Bryony Senic

Lecture Summary

This presentation will cover the importance of nutrition as the 5th vital assessment. It will introduce the 4 paws method for how we open the door for nutrition conversations and effective client communication.

P – It all starts by identifying the Purpose of the visit to understand the client’s goals

A – Once we understand the goals, we need to Allow client input into what they perceive to be the biggest areas of concern for their pet and what they are willing to consider trying for their pet.

W – Once we’ve allowed the client to provide input on what their pet needs along with their goals, we need to respond with Warmth and empathy to help ensure they recognise we understand their concerns and are ready to work with them on addressing the goals and concerns they’ve provided.

S- Last but not least, once we’ve opened the door with warmth and empathy, we can provide our Solutions that will address their primary goals and concerns while also addressing anything else we’ve identified at the visit.

It will cover what are open ended questions, how to obtain a dietary history, effective communication styles and the non verbal communication that we can use. It will also delve into the perception of value, how to handle objections and how to work as a whole team in the veterinary clinic to reinforce your recommendations and get the best patient outcomes.