Focus on Gastroenterology

Latest in gastroenterology in a 2-day webinar series.

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Lecture Details

Acute Diarrhoea in Dogs: when to choose probiotics, prebiotics or antibiotics

Speaker: Caroline Mansfield

How many times do we feel obligated to “do something” when a dog presents with diarrhoea? Mostly, because the owners just want it to stop. What is safe to do? What is effective to use? This talk will discuss the main differentials to consider, when it is considered essential to intervene and most importantly how to intervene- giving the quickest results possible.

Chronic Diarrhoea in Dogs: a practical approach

Speaker: Caroline Mansfield

Diarrhoea can be a common and frustrating condition for pet owners to manage. The GI tract is also a frustratingly hidden system that means investigation is difficult to do without invasive testing. Furthermore, histological assessment of the intestinal tract does not reflect functional changes. So, what do we do to ensure we get to an answer efficiently and economically? This talk will discuss potential causes, the current way we classify inflammatory bowel disease and give a practical and streamlined approach to your cases.

About the Speaker

Caroline Mansfield


Professor Caroline Mansfield is a registered specialist in small animal medicine and is recognised as an international leader in veterinary internal medicine, as evidenced by frequent invitations to present at international conferences, requests to provide expert opinions and current and previous roles in the profession. She is a past Board member and President of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists and has been a member of the Board of Examiners for the National Veterinary Examination.

Her expertise is recognized outside of the sphere of clinical veterinary medicine by participating in the peer review process for Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher awards (DECRA) and Discovery projects from 2015 to present.

She is currently a Senior Editor for Clinical Case Reports, on the Editorial Board for Animals, a member of the Purina Institute advisory group and received the 2019 Award for Scientific Excellence from the Australian Small Animal Veterinarians. She is currently Director of Clinical Research at Melbourne Veterinary School, University of Melbourne. Her research group is focused on the interaction of the gut microbiome in health and disease of dogs and cats, and the role diet and environment play in this. She also researches in areas of clinical gastroenterology that can result in tangible improvement in the health and welfare of our pets. She has published over 70 peer-reviewed papers plus multiple textbook chapters and conference presentations. To date, she has supervised over 20 post-graduate students and clinical residents to successful completion.

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Join 3 exceptional speakers who will share their take on the latest, relevant, and exciting literature published in focus on exotics.