Masterclass: Neonatal Care

1-week course on critical patient treatment essentials.

This course includes:

Course Outline:

Neonatal patients are different! They lack physiological reserve to cope with disease and stress, have high demand for fluid and glucose, and a limited number of clinical signs they are able to show when they are unwell.

This 1-week intensive short course is packed with essential information that will help you understand these critical patients better, and to be able to treat them more effectively when they are in your clinic. With 3 live tutorials, we’ll cover the normal neonate, the approach to the sick neonate, fluid therapy, and management of specific neonatal conditions, including sepsis, toxic milk syndrome, neonatal isoerythrolysis and much more!

Tutorial 1: The Normal Neonate

This tutorial will cover the normal neonate - including basic physiology, blood profile characteristics (blood lactate, packed cell volume, coagulation etc.), as well as the influence of neonatal physiology on pharmacology and drug dosing.

Tutorial 2: The Approach to the Sick Neonate

This tutorial will cover the general approach to the sick neonate, including patient evaluation, diagnostic tests (and their interpretation); and the provision of general supportive care, including nutritional support, fluid therapy, and glucose and electrolyte disorders, among others. We’ll conclude the tutorial with a look at how to determine neonatal survivability using scoring systems such as the APGAR system.

Tutorial 3: Specific Neonatal Disorders

This tutorial will look at specific diseases of the neonate, including respiratory disease, cardiac diseases, toxic milk syndrome, neonatal isoerythrolysis, septicaemia, umbilical infections and many more!

Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of this course, the participant will have a sound knowledge of:

  • The physiology of the normal neonate, including the cardiovascular response to hypovolaemia, the rate of liver and kidney maturation, normal blood values of commonly measured serum biochemistry and haematology samples
  • The impact of neonatal physiology on dosage requirements for commonly used medications, including analgesics, sedatives, antibiotics and fluid therapy
  • The approach to the sick neonate, including aspects of the physical examination, fluid therapy, nutritional support, and patient monitoring
  • The use of the APGAR scoring system to assist determination of neonatal viability
  • Key aspects of toxic milk syndrome, neonatal septicaemia, neonatal isoerythrolysis, hypovolaemia/shock, and inherited cardiac diseases.

When is it?

Course Tutor

BVSc MVS PG Cert Vet Stud MACVSc (Vet. Emergency and Critical Care; Medicine of Dogs)

Don't miss out on this exciting learning opportunity!

Masterclass Neonatal Care


AUD 196

Course Reviews

"This was a fabulous course. It is the first for me with Philip as the lecturer and I would like to congratulate him on his presentations, knowledge and enthusiasm."
New Zealand
"Your courses always motivate and inspire me to be a better nurse for my patients. So thank you again for another great course"
"I would just like to say I have this course tremendously. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge."
"Just wanted to say how much I'm enjoying the course and how much I appreciate your attention to detail. Learning lots though and can see how this new knowledge is really going to elevate my nursing skills!"

Dr Philip Judge

BVSc MVS PG Cert Vet Clin Stud MACVSc (Vet. Emergency and Critical Care; Medicine of Dogs)

Philip graduated from Massey University in New Zealand in 1992, and spent 7 years in small animal practice before undertaking a 3-year residency in veterinary emergency and critical care at the University of Melbourne in 1998.

Following his residency, Philip worked for nearly 6 years at the Animal Emergency Centre in Melbourne, becoming the Senior Veterinarian at the centre in 2004. In 2006, Philip undertook a 1-year surgical externship before moving to Townsville to take up the position of Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care at JCU. Philip is also co-founder, and director of Vet Education Pty Ltd ( – one of Australia’s leading providers of online continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary nurses.

Philip has published numerous manuals and guides concerning emergency medicine, including a CRI manual, haematology and biochemistry interpretation guide, emergency anaesthesia guide, and a ventilation therapy manual for small animals, in addition to being published in peer reviewed literature.

Philip’s key interests in veterinary science include respiratory emergencies, ventilation therapy, envenomations and toxicology.