Mastering Atopic Dermatitis in Dogs:

Proactive Strategies for Veterinary Success

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About the Webinar

An in-depth, case-based webinar on the proactive management of atopic dogs tailored for veterinarians seeking to advance their expertise in the comprehensive management of atopic dermatitis in canine patients. Attendees will benefit from evidence-based strategies that emphasise the importance of pro-active maintenance care with practical ways to implement these strategies in veterinary practice. By integrating the latest research and practical applications, this session aims to provide a robust understanding of atopic dermatitis, equipping practitioners with advanced skills to improve patient outcomes and optimise therapeutic success.

When is it?


Dr Amanda Burrows

Dr Amanda Burrows


Dr Mandy is a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (ANZCVS) in Veterinary Dermatology; a registered specialist in veterinary dermatology and Associate Professor in Small Animal Medicine (Dermatology) at Murdoch University, Western Australia. She is the most experienced veterinary dermatologist in Western Australia with over 30 years working in University and clinical practice and teaching. She has trained the majority of veterinary dermatologists now working in veterinary specialty practice in Western Australia.

Note: This webinar is being recorded. If you are unable to attend the live lecture, a link to the recording will be shared with you a few days following the lecture.

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