Resident Boards Prep Session brought to you by Hill's Pet Nutrition, USA

the GI Microbiome

Dr. Alyssa Sullivant

April 26, 2023


1 Hr of RACE CE approved


Approved for 1 hour of NYSED credit


Obesity is increasingly common in companion dogs and cats. More than benign adipose tissue deposition, obesity exacerbates numerous disease processes and can negatively impact pets’ quality and length of life. This presentation will outline implementation of weight loss plans, and includes tips for improving owner compliance and strategies for obesity prevention.

When is it?

Note: This webinar is being recorded. If you are unable to attend the live lecture, a link to the recording will be shared with you a few days following the lecture.

About the Speaker

Dr Alyssa Sullivant


Dr. Alyssa Sullivant graduated from Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 2007 and worked in general small animal practice for 5 years before returning to MSU to specialize in Internal Medicine. She has been on faculty at MSU since 2016 as a clinical track professor. Her primary interests are gastroenterology and respiratory diseases. In her spare time, Dr. Sullivant enjoys CrossFit, cooking, and playing with her two boxer dogs.

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