Neurological Emergencies in Small Animal Practice

Neurological Emergencies in Small Animal Practice

Thanks for attending the 2022 Neurological Emergencies course!

The new 2023 edition of the course will be announced soon. Sign up to receive Vet Education updates!

What you'll learn

The patient with a disorder of the neurological system can present a significant challenge to the clinician. From emergency treatment of neurological dysfunction, to lesion localization, diagnosis and specific disease management, it is essential to approach the neurological emergency patient with a sound diagnostic pathway, and rapid and evidence-based treatment recommendations.

This course is all about achieving these key facets of patient management – particularly in conditions where timely intervention is of the essence – such as traumatic brain injury, spinal trauma, and status epilepticus. What’s more, we’ll equip your practice with flow charts, diagrams, videos on a whole range of neurological emergencies to help you achieve the best for your neurological emergency patient – all backed by recent evidence-based literature reviews.

Week 1: Assessment of the Neurological Emergency

Patients with neurological emergencies come with many and varied presentations – from seizures and head trauma, to disuse or paresis of one or more limbs. This week we will dissect the neurological examination to enable you to localise your patients’ lesion, sort a differential diagnosis list and begin definitive diagnostics and treatment early!

Week 2: Cranio-Cerebral Trauma

Head trauma patients are critical patients. Not only can neurological injury be severe, but concurrent post-trauma conditions such as shock and respiratory compromise can further exacerbate the severity of brain injury. This week we will look at the latest evidence-based recommendations on how to effectively optimise oxygen delivery to the patient with traumatic brain injury, make a neuro-anatomical diagnosis, and positively influence patient recovery!

Week 3: Spinal Trauma

This week is all about acute spinal injury, paralysis and paresis, from patient evaluation to making a diagnosis through to making effective treatment decisions. Included this week will be videos, images and helpful flowcharts and diagrams to simplify your diagnostic and management plan options.

Week 4: Seizures, Meningitis and Neuropathies

This week we have an amazing selection of neurological emergencies to delve into, starting with the approach to the patient with status epilepticus, right through to diagnosing and managing the patient with meningitis. We’ll also take a look at encephalopathy, and a diagnostic approach to the common clinical presentations of stupor and coma, among other conditions!

Course Tutor

BVSc MVS PG Cert Vet Stud MACVSc (Vet. Emergency and Critical Care; Medicine of Dogs)

Course Features:

Course Fee:

AUD 550

Get an exclusive printed and bound course book at an additional fee of AUD 40. Grab the print book now!

Live Weekly Tutorials

The 4-week course starts on August 22, 2022 with live tutorials by Dr Philip Judge on Mondays at 19:30 AEST.

Join us from anywhere

You can join us from almost anywhere you have an internet connection! Click Here to check the course tutorial times where you are!

20 CE Credits

This course is ideal for Veterinarians and is RACE-approved for 20 CE credits!

Course Reviews

"Hello Phil and thank you so much for another wonderful course! I really enjoy learning from you - your teaching technique is fabulous and the resources and notes you provide are just so informative!"
"Thanks so much for all your advice and teaching. With so much information around these days, your evidence-based clarification goes a long way! You and your work are very valued at this practice."
"Thank you for your wonderful resources and course. It is fantastic to be able to access it in such a flexible manner. I got a lot out of your notes, presentations and extras that I will refer to often in my work."
"I want to acknowledge and thank you for the tremendous amount of quality information you have imparted to us during this course."

Get the latest updates on how to best treat neurological emergencies in dogs and cats!

The course starts in


Eco-Friendly Learning

Small Choices, Big Impact!

Making small choices to help the environment doesn’t always have to be complicated. Here at Vet Education, we’re dedicated to bringing the very best veterinary continuing education – in a truly environmentally friendly online format! We believe that wasting paper, ink and toner doesn’t make economic or environmental sense; especially when we have the option to use digital mediums to share and consume information. All our course resources are delivered online, including the lectures, manuals, protocols, course books, and recordings. If you wish to receive printed and bound course books, please reach out to us at You have the power to protect our Earth. Your support can help save natural resources today and for generations to come.

Dr Philip Judge

BVSc MVS PG Cert Vet Clin Stud MACVSc (Vet. Emergency and Critical Care; Medicine of Dogs)

Philip graduated from Massey University in New Zealand in 1992, and spent 7 years in small animal practice before undertaking a 3-year residency in veterinary emergency and critical care at the University of Melbourne in 1998.

Following his residency, Philip worked for nearly 6 years at the Animal Emergency Centre in Melbourne, becoming the Senior Veterinarian at the centre in 2004. In 2006, Philip undertook a 1-year surgical externship before moving to Townsville to take up the position of Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care at JCU. Philip is also co-founder, and director of Vet Education Pty Ltd ( – one of Australia’s leading providers of online continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary nurses.

Philip has published numerous manuals and guides concerning emergency medicine, including a CRI manual, haematology and biochemistry interpretation guide, emergency anaesthesia guide, and a ventilation therapy manual for small animals, in addition to being published in peer reviewed literature.

Philip’s key interests in veterinary science include respiratory emergencies, ventilation therapy, envenomations and toxicology.