Webinars for the whole veterinary team
The Ugly Truth About the Vet Industry -
Discussing and sharing solutions
The Ugly Truth About the Vet Industry: Discussion & Solutions
Dr. Nadine Hamilton
Dr. Mark Kelman
Morgan Coleman
vet nurses
vet clinic managers
June 17, 2021
Free Webinar brought to you by Vets on Call

Supported by Vet Education, Love Your Pet, Love Your Vet & Paws For a Purpose

This free webinar will not continue to just present the challenges – it is an highly interactive forum for attendees to share ideas and solutions with the aim to bring helpful changes into vets’ lives and practices today, as well as develop long term ideas and plans to drive industry transformation.
Your input is important! Sharing your ideas and offering solutions that may have worked well for you already – may potentially save someone’s life.
Discuss ideas with psychologist, Dr Nadine Hamiltion (Love Your Pet, Love Your Vet), vet, Dr Mark Kelman (Paws for a Purpose) and Morgan Coleman (Vets on Call CEO).
Please join us on the 17th of June to collaborate on finding solutions to help each other through the current challenges.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts!
When is it?
Time: 19:30 AEST [Sydney] | 21:30 NZST [Auckland]
Time: 05:30 EDT

Nadine Hamilton
BSc (Psych), PGDip.Psych, MTrain&Dev, EdD CEO | Psychologist
As a pioneer and leading worldwide authority on veterinary wellbeing, I help veterinary professionals get on top of stress and conflict to avoid burnout and suicide, and also work with practice managers and owners to increase wellbeing, productivity, and retention in the workplace. Additionally, I provide workshops to small and large groups within the private and corporate sectors, and speak at conferences and symposiums both nationally and internationally.
As an advocate for the veterinary profession, I founded the charity "Love Your Pet Love Your Vet" and partnered with Royal Canin to reduce stigma in veterinary professionals seeking help, raising awareness within the community about the realities of working in the profession, and providing psychological and educational support to veterinary professionals.

Mark Kelman
Independent Scientific Researcher & Social Philanthropist, Paws For A Purpose
Dr Mark Kelman is a veterinary scientific researcher and social philanthropist who graduated from Murdoch University in 2000. His career has spanned work at the RSPCA NSW, general practice in Sydney and Qld, and Technical Services Management in veterinary pharmaceuticals. His principle research focus is Canine Parvoviral Epidemiology and in 2020 he completed a PhD on this topic. He is also the co-founder, director and CEO of Paws for A Purpose, a social enterprise charity for people in need and their pets, and a board director of Pets In The Park – a charity helping the homeless to care for their pets.

Morgan Coleman
CEO & Founder of Vets on Call
Morgan is the CEO & Founder of Vets on Call, an in-home veterinary service which combines
technology and expert veterinary medicine to care for pets. He is an avid animal lover and has
spent his life surrounded by an array of animals. The idea for Vets on Call was born when
Morgan had difficulty getting his dog Milky to his local clinic. Vets on Call was founded with the
vision of marrying the needs of pet owners with vets seeking more flexible, sustainable work.
Not afraid to question the status-quo , Morgan’s new perspective on vet care is bringing about
positive change to the lives of the veterinarians working with Vets on Call.