Virbac – Canine Mast Cell Tumours An Update

Rod Straw
BVSc Dip ACVS M(A) ANZCVS ACVS Founding Fellow Small Animal Surgery (Oncology) Specialist
Rod Straw is a registered surgical oncology specialist with the Queensland Veterinary Surgeons Board. He has been working in veterinary oncology since 1986. He trained in the United States becoming the world’s first veterinary Fellow in Surgical Oncology. He was Associate Professor of Oncology at Colorado State University before returning to Australia where he has been treating referred small animal cancer patients since 1995. He has worked in the areas of surgical, medical and radiation oncology for many years. In 1997, he started Animal Cancer Care and moved into Brisbane Veterinary Specialist Centre in 2004. He later founded the Australian Animal Cancer Foundation which is a not-for-profit research charity. The support from referring veterinarians and pet owners has been fantastic. By timely and well-prepared referrals, veterinarians in Australia have provided the BVSC team the opportunity to produce some wonderful outcomes for people and their pets.