Webinar Recording

Webinar Recording: What is Hypertension and How Can You Help?

This  webinar is brought to you by the 1-week interactive course

Masterclass: Cytology


Imagine having a thumping headache and not being able to tell a soul? 1 in 8 cats over 10 have idiopathic hypertension, and often times we don’t know until they present blind! In this webinar, you will learn what to ask clients to get hints about whether you and your vet need to delve deeper, you will learn how to take blood pressures with various devices and how to treat these kitties. We will also touch on cat friendly handling! Join us for this webinar and start speaking cat!


Dr Chantal Celindano

BVSc (hons) MANZCVS (feline medicine) ISFM AdvCertFB