Webinars for the whole veterinary team

STELFONTA Launch Webinars

Free Webinar brought to you by Virbac

Dr Rod Straw
Dr Pam Jones

Start Date
November 18, 2021
November 25, 2021
Webinar 1 – November 18, 2021
Canine Mast Cell Tumours: An Update
with Dr. Rod Straw
Mast cell tumours are the most common form of skin cancer in dogs, accounting for up to 21% of skin cancer cases. Mast cell tumours are relatively straightforward to diagnosis however management can be challenging due to the variable behaviour. Join us to review the canine mast cell tumours from a practical perspective and discuss what is new in their management. This webinar will focus on what has changed in our knowledge of the disease in recent years including diagnosis, staging and treatment.

Rod Straw

BVSc Dip ACVS M(A) ANZCVS ACVS Founding Fellow Small Animal Surgery (Oncology) Specialist

Rod Straw is a registered surgical oncology specialist with the Queensland Veterinary Surgeons Board. He has been working in veterinary oncology since 1986. He trained in the United States becoming the world’s first veterinary Fellow in Surgical Oncology. He was Associate Professor of Oncology at Colorado State University before returning to Australia where he has been treating referred small animal cancer patients since 1995. He has worked in the areas of surgical, medical and radiation oncology for many years. In 1997, he started Animal Cancer Care and moved into Brisbane Veterinary Specialist Centre in 2004. He later founded the Australian Animal Cancer Foundation which is a not-for-profit research charity. The support from referring veterinarians and pet owners has been fantastic. By timely and well-prepared referrals, veterinarians in Australia have provided the BVSC team the opportunity to produce some wonderful outcomes for people and their pets.

When is it?

Note: This webinar is being recorded. If you are unable to attend the live lecture, a link to the recording will be shared with you a few days following the lecture.
Webinar 2 – November 25, 2021
STELFONTA®, An Innovative and Effective Treatment for Canine Mast Cell Tumours
with Dr. Pam Jones
STELFONTA is a ground-breaking new treatment for canine mast cell tumours (MCTs). In this webinar Dr Pam Jones will introduce STELFONTA (tigilanol tiglate), an innovative option for intratumoral treatment of canine mast cell tumours, review the efficacy data behind this new product and demonstrate how this highly innovative treatment can be used to provide a high tumour elimination rate, wound healing and a speedy return to a good quality of life for the pet. STELFONTA® contains tigilanol tiglate, a biologically active pharmaceutical compound extracted from the seed of the native Australian blushwood (Fontainea picrosperma) tree found in the North Queensland rainforest. Tigilanol tiglate was discovered and developed by Australian company QBiotics and has been extensively researched over many years.

Pam Jones

DVM Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Oncology) Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Radiology (Radiation Oncology)

Dr. Pamela Jones underwent her veterinary training in the United States at Colorado State University. She completed a one-year rotating internship in small animal medicine and surgery followed by a three-year oncology residency and a two-year residency in radiation oncology to achieve Board Certification within the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine in Medical Oncology and the American College of Veterinary Radiology in Radiation Oncology. Pamela recognised the value of comparative oncology early in her oncology career and sought active participation in clinical trials. Pamela served on several immuno-oncology advisory boards which fuelled her interest in pharmaceutical development; initially as Veterinary Medical Liaison for a pharmaceutical start-up company where she was instrumental in the successful launch of three first in class pharmaceutical products. Pamela joined QBiotics Group in 2019 as Global Director of Professional Services.

When is it?

Note: This webinar is being recorded. If you are unable to attend the live lecture, a link to the recording will be shared with you a few days following the lecture.

Watch the Recordings of these lectures and get your CE certificates here