VetPrac Workshop – How High Achievers Succeed

How High Achievers Succeed

October 17th – November 21st 2019

There are some days in practice that are amazing – you see patients making progress, the team works well together, the clients love you, and on occasion you get to head home for time with your family. However, there a days you don’t feel so good. Stress is high, the clients seem angry and it looks like everyone else in practice is cruising along while you’re working to survive. How do your high achieving colleagues make it look so easy? It’s just not possible!

As high achievers (we’ve completed the degree so yes, we’re all in that category) we’re renowned for self-assessing and measuring ourselves against our peers and predecessors. We all think, “I can’t do that. I’ll never be that good. I haven’t the time to get those skills.” We do this because it’s easier to stay in our comfort zone and the work we’ve put in to this point has near on exhausted us.

VetPrac have a workshop to help you be a high achiever and succeed just like those in the veterinary industry you tip your surgical cap to.




From October 17th, you have the opportunity to participate in online coaching for 6-weeks every Thursday night. This is a digital classroom limited to 10 participants and you’ll be guided by Dr Cathy Warburton as you learn about evidence based science for behaviours and strategies for your well-being and success in the veterinary industry.

Dr Warburton is a respected veterinary well-being consultant and coach. She graduated with her veterinary degree in 1989 and has extensive experience working as a clinician, trainer and manager for practices and universities. Her experience in the veterinary industry sparked an interest psychology and success – resulting in a Diploma of Positive Psychology and Well-Being.

This is your opportunity for guidance to learn good habits and positive emotions to excel in your career and life. Enrolments are not exclusive to veterinarians. Vet Techs, Nurses, Support, Administration, and Management are encouraged to participate.

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Cathy will train and coach participants through literature and scientific evidence, industry expert advice, group discussion, and activities – with the aim of illuminating the steps you can take to move forward and be a high achiever too.

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Blog post by Dr Cathy Warburton “How Do You Manage The Tough Days In Practice?”:

About VetPrac

Vetprac connects Australia’s finest specialists to provide a hands-on tutorial workshop relevant to the needs of the general veterinary community. By engaging educational leadership, Vetprac bridges the gap between learning and doing.
VetPrac understands that in the veterinary profession, it is very important to keep up to date with the latest information and techniques – yet sometimes it can be hard to acquire the ongoing veterinary training you need. VetPrac provides a number of vocational packages and workshops throughout the year, which focus on specific aspects of animal care. All of VetPrac training courses have a strong emphasis on both professional development and patient welfare.
Get trained and get confident!


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