VetPrac Workshop – Vet Talk

Vet Talk – Communication For Medical Professionals

July 23rd – September 3rd

Have you had instanced you’ve become frustrated trying to communicate with colleagues and/or clients? Our friends at VetPrac have an online workshop to help you overcome this in future.

Your ability to effectively communicate in the veterinary practice leads to better health outcomes for patients, reduced errors, better compliance, job satisfaction, and teamwork.

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that is has taken place.” ~George Bernard Shaw

Our friends at VetPrac are taking registrations for VetTalk, an online 7-week course (with a maximum of 10 participants) lead by Dr Sandra Nguyen. Every Tuesday night, over 7-weeks, you’ll explore various areas of communication within the veterinary practice and hone your skills to be more productive and increase your success. Your power to communicate will make you the most effective veterinary team member you can be.

Enrolments are not exclusive to veterinarians. Vet Techs, Nurses, Support, Administration, and Management are encouraged to participate.

Communication skills and refresher training about these skills is often forgotten in the veterinary industry. We feel it just isn’t as essential in the day to day activities in veterinary practice. The theory behind good communication can be learnt and practices. We all need a gentle reminder every now and then about how we can improve, and where we’ve been lax of late.

So how do we master this? Join Dr Sandra Nguyen online every Tuesday night (for 7-weeks) to maximise your interactions.

Dr Nguyen works at SASH and has been heavily involved in clinical trials involving innovative treatments for pets with cancer. She has also undergone special training in communication and is particularly interested in the impact of communication surrounding euthanasia and pet owners in grief.

Join Sandra online for 7-week to improve your client and team communication techniques.

Download PDF here

 Download PDF here

VISIT THIS LINK for more information from VetPrac or ENROL NOW for the next VetTalk workshop commencing 23rd July 2019.


Register at:

Take the VetPrac quiz to test your communication skills:

About Dr Sandra Nguyen:

About VetPrac

Vetprac connects Australia’s finest specialists to provide a hands-on tutorial workshop relevant to the needs of the general veterinary community. By engaging educational leadership, Vetprac bridges the gap between learning and doing.
VetPrac understands that in the veterinary profession, it is very important to keep up to date with the latest information and techniques – yet sometimes it can be hard to acquire the ongoing veterinary training you need. VetPrac provides a number of vocational packages and workshops throughout the year, which focus on specific aspects of animal care. All of VetPrac training courses have a strong emphasis on both professional development and patient welfare.
Get trained and get confident!


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